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Mission trip to Cuba 2017


Mission trip to Cuba 2017

Mission Trip To Cuba 2017

First I want to say thank you for all your prayers.

I had the opportunity to visit Cuba this past week from 3/11/17 to 3/19/17 with a team of 9 more people through Straight Path Ministries. I would like to say that I was privileged to visit such a place. This was not a vacation trip. It was more than that. I thanked God for the opportunity to enlarge my vision and also be able to know the people in Cuba, their passion, their struggles, their culture but most of all their love for Jesus Christ. I took these pictures for people to appreciate this place, I do not have words to express what a great opportunity this was.

The Christian church in USA has a lot to learn from them... when there is "privation" there is a grater need to search for God and depend on his provision". 

College Christians students from the entire island united in a camp to worship. I saw their talents, their youth, their passion but also how genuine their love is for the Lord. I was humble just to be there and see what God is doing in their lives. The Christian University movement leadership taught me the commitment they have for the young christian college students in Cuba and the love they have for their nation. 

My prayer is not to forget this and continue growing, learning, giving, sowing. It reminds me the word given to me in Isaiah 54:2-3. 

The church is not a temple...the church is all the people serving and loving Jesus Christ all around the world. 

Help me Lord not to forget this.

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